It has been an exciting time for us in the Chromia team. Our IEO was a huge success, and we are excited to be moving forward with building! As you may have noticed, we have recently had the pleasure of attending a number of AMAs hosted by members of our community. We thought it would be good to take the opportunity to showcase those gracious hosts, and highlight some of the most interesting questions that were asked. Keep an eye on our Twitter for news about upcoming AMAs if you would like to take part!

Our CEO Henrik Hjelte was invited by Daniel of dbcrypto to answer questions from members of his channel at We were happy to see that his members were curious about our pioneering relational blockchain technology. @bradleytownsend asked Henrik:
It’s one of the first things that we see when we’re introduced to Chromia, could you explain the ‘relational blockchain’ concept to us?
Henrik explained:
In short: combining a blockchain (all the security properties) with a relational database (SQL database in normal speak).
Chromia is a PUBLIC blockchain based on this idea, the relational blockchain. It means it is as easy to code as SQL (but we use a new, better language Rell). Facebook was built with a relational database (mySQL). I’d say 99.95% of all complex applications use a Relational Database. The whole company Oracle is built around it.
Check out the full AMA here: Thanks again to dbcrypto for hosting!

We were also happy to be invited to speak with a blockchain in community in Vietnam at They were asking the big questions:
Does your blockchain technology bring about a breakthrough that is different from the rest of the crypto industry in general and the world of blockchain in particular?
Henrik replied:
Yes it is a breakthrough. Chromia provides the first realistic (in my opinion) way to do the really advanced decentralized applications we dream of.
As you will already know if you have been following the project, Chromia has a plan to make dapps truly practical for mainstream use. We want to take crypto mainstream with relational blockchain. Many thanks to VBC for having us, we look forward to coming back!

Over at, the tireless Henrik met with the CryptoCalibur community. You can read the full account here:
CryptoCalibur had some tough questions, Henrik was asked:
Is it actually the only blockchain with relational database? Other blockchains must have some kind of workarounds?
Henrik responded: Right now as far as I know it is the only relational blockchain. But I’m sure there will be more to follow. Early this year a large IT-vendor's research department published a paper around an idea of combining relational db with blockchain. For some reason they “forgot” to mention our prior art. But it is completely open, we announced it at Money2020 2 years ago.
Workaround: Many want to use noSQL kind of key-value store. But it is simply is not the same power. You can compare to enterprise apps, despite many years of selling NoSQL as the new cool thing, it has <10% of the market, mainly used for caching. I love this example (sorry for rementioning it): One of devs did a tic-tac-toe app in 140 lines of codes, for 3 hours, including list of players wanting to compete, detecting wins, doing moves, etc. All ON blockchain.
Thanks to CryptoCalibur for having us!
Decentralised Chain

The first of our two video AMAs was hosted by Decentralised Chain. You can check it out here.
The Crypto Lark

We were lucky enough to have a session with the Crypto Lark. You can check out the video here:
Henrik was joined by our COO Or Perelman for our next AMA with KuCoin, hosted on their English language Telegram group at KuCoin was of course our partner exchange for our recent IEO, we are grateful to them for all their good work, and for this great AMA! Full text can be found here:
The asked us why we chose KuCoin Spotlight for our AMA. The answers from Or and Henrik were as follows:
Or: KuCoin has been a great partner of us since day 1 and we were very impressed by the kuCoin team and even visited them. KuCoin is backed by top traditional equity VC funds in the world and we like their IEO model, we think it's one of the fairest designed IEO models.
Henrik: We had a private pre-sale to only selected investors. We thought of it as a normal way to do "early" financing, the risk is high with these kinds of projects and analogous to angel-financing. But then we got a lot of criticism, why don't we open up to the community, to everyone. And we started to see IEO as a great option to open up and broaden.
Head over to if you are interested in trading Chromia (CHR).
Wolf Crypto

Over at, Henrik answered a range of questions from the Wolf Crypto community. You can read the full account: An interesting question was raised about our blockchain-first programming language, Rell.
Wolf Crypto: For developers to learn a new programming language doesn’t this increase the barrier to entry for developers to build applications on Chromia?
Henrik: It depends on where you come from. If you are among the millions that know SQL in the world, it is an Easier step to learn Rell than say Solidity. And if you know Solidity it means you are a pretty good developer, than you can pick up Rell in less than a week, because it is quite simple and small.
Rell adds static typing to SQL to make it more secure. Also is a “normal” programming language. And it is 1/7 of the code lines compared to SQL. So it is easy, yet really powerful.
Any new programme language raises the question why one should learn yet another programming language, and rightly so. Read our full answer to the question here.
Shin Chan
Next, Or and Henrik (who are truly dedicated to answering all of your questions, as you can see) held a public joint AMA with Pramod and Shin Chan communities on Shin Chan's Telegram channel. Their channels can be found at:
Shin Chan Channel:
Pramod’s Crypto Community:
Or and Henrik were asked:
Is there any Dapp or Game already developed & published on Chromia Blockchain that we can test?
Henrik: You can sign up as a tester on site. First test apps will be a social network kind of thing, a discussion forum all on chain. Then a checkers game, all on-chain with complete gamelogic, detecting wins etc. Also we are now helping build an enterprise application for green investment, tracking of environmental reporting between different actors (issuer, bank, validator etc), and we do in collaboration with a legal company a way to manage cap-table and corporate events, also on Chromia.
Thanks to both communities for having us! Check out the full report at
STP (Standard Tokenization Protocol)

STP welcomed Henrik to for another round of Q&A with the community. You can get the full story here:
STP asked Henrik:
What do you think about restrictions and developing apps on the blockchain network, since this is still a blockchain project with global distributed investors?
An interesting question - the radical transparency and immutability of blockchain has proved to be a hot topic for regulators, and this is something that any business interest in blockchain will have to take into account. Fortunately, Chromia's design takes this into account:
With Chromia, an application developer can choose which Providers to use by himself. So maybe there are restrictions from the governments which countries you can work with, then you exclude Providers from those countries up to the application itself (usually the dev).
He also fielded questions about our adoption strategy, especially our interest in gaming use cases:
What’s your plan on getting used to utilizing Chromia? Is gaming a big enough use case now that several other blockchain protocols are focusing on it?
Henrik: It is still a small market. We come with something new, not only NFT but complete game logic on the chain. There will be many more apps can be built, but it does not suit every app.
Thanks to STP for hinting that while blockchain is teeming with gaming apps, the market is still small. We think this is because the game implementations are heavily limited. Chromia allows for actual game logic to be implemented on chain. We think this is much more exciting than NFTs, although of course NFTs are trivial to implement on Chromia as well.
Crypto Daku
The final AMA we will talk about here is the one we held courtesy of the Crypto Daku community at Once again, Henrik and Or held down the fort and took on some tough questions! You can read the whole AMA by heading to and entering /AMA.
Crypto Daku: Regarding governance on DApps, who will have control? Chromia team or dapp developer?
Henrik: Each dapp itself decides how that application is governed. Is the developer, or do you delegate to users to make decisions? Maybe you need approval to change rules and update software. More: Chromia itself is mainly controlled by Providers, who have an economic incentive to keep a great product. Also we want to make it easy to fork as more pressure.
Thanks to Crypto Daku for starting to raise questions about Chromia's complex decentralized governance model.
You've Asked Us Anything, but not Everything!
That was a lot of questions, but we are sure that you have more! Follow us on Twitter, check here for announcements, or join the discussion in our group on Telegram, and stay tuned for the next AMA coming soon!