Since 2019 ChromaWay (the developer of Chromia) has been collaborating with the US Air Force’s innovation arm, AFWERX, to bring the power of our blockchain technology to support the services mission.
ChromaWay was just one of just 30 companies (over 300 had originally applied) selected as a finalist for the US Air Force’s AFWERX Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) Challenge. The goal of the AFWERX is to identify innovative technologies to improve the US and its Allies' integrated operations in the areas of air, space, land, sea, and cyber.
In June of 2020, ChromaWay was invited back by AFWERX to demonstrate our technology to the JADC2 (Joint All Command and Control) showcase. At the showcase, we demonstrated an MVP simulation dapp (distributed application) that illustrated how the Air Force could use blockchain protocols to facilitate data sharing and collaboration during a military or humanitarian mission. The simulation was designed with one of our game design partners, Workinman. Friendly entities (e.g., ships, aircraft, radar installations, etc.) are assigned cryptographic key pairs in order for them to send and receive communications on a public permissioned distributed Chromia blockchain network.
The simulation enables participants to cursor over any friendly entity (that has on-boarded the network) to see their public key and any additional identity data associated with that key. A secure workflow was created to enable military dapp users to collaborate and execute an order (e.g., removal of an enemy radar) scenario that would then be simulated on the screen. Want to play? You can access a part of the simulation here.
ChromaWay is working with our federal partner, Dcode, AFWERX, and other partners via the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program in 2021. Watch for the latest updates here!