Building a Strong Ecosystem

Building a Strong Ecosystem

When it comes to Chromia, we are not only building out the blockchain on the road to mainnet, we are also working on building the necessary infrastructure to create a thriving ecosystem for users, developers, and entrepreneurs. From gaming to NFTs to real-world assets to an expressive coding language, there’s a lot we’re working on.

One of the challenges for crypto and blockchain companies is mass adoption. The crypto believers are calling for it, and we see so many benefits of blockchain technology becoming mainstream, from self-custody to near-instant settlement of transfers to privacy, there’s a lot to be positive about.

So, let’s have a look at some of the key features of the Chromia ecosystem and why they exist.


Rell is a programming language that our developers built. It is similar to SQL but more expressive, giving developers an easier onboarding experience as well as enabling them to code and build dapps more easily.

While most blockchains rely on Solidity and Rust, we want to give developers the option of a language that is similar to what they already know from their web2 experience, and that is highly expressive and gives them a lot of freedom.

NFTs that you can really own

While NFTs have the potential to evolve how we record ownership and identity, as it stands right now most are not stored in the way you might think. While you may have a record of owning an NFT in your wallet, the images are normally hosted in a very “web2” way, relying on AWS or hosting the data on a centralized website.

Chromia is building out the functionality of having the metadata of the NFT hosted on the blockchain itself. This not only means you will always have access to your jpegs, but that other uses of NFTs become more viable.

NFTs to represent ownership of property or medical records, for example, would benefit from having the “image” part of the ownership hosted in an uncensorable way.

Real-world assets

The holy grail of blockchain! The team has been hard at work building out the infrastructure to bring investing in real-world assets on-chain. By bringing these assets on-chain, from equities to art to property and more, it opens up the whole economy and moves us towards an ecosystem where crypto tokens are backed by real-world, revenue-generating assets.

How’s that for utility?

Customizable gas fees

Paying gas fees creates a whole lot of friction, not only for on-boarding new users but also for the in-dapp experience where regular calls to a smart contract are necessary. The process of having to pay gas and wait for it to be confirmed - and it might not if demand is high - is incredibly clunky and makes it harder to achieve mainstream adoption as it’s a far worse experience than what web2 offers.

To ease this friction point, Chromia will offer customizable gas fees where the protocol can subsidize the gas for users. This means users of a game, for example, will never need to buy a gas token and will never be stuck without enough gas to make a transaction. Now, they can have the frictionless experience they’re used to with the benefits of web3 and blockchain.

A healthy ecosystem

These are just a few of the key features we’re building out to ensure that developers, businesses, users, and entrepreneurs are able to use the Chromia blockchain in a meaningful way. Our focus is on solving real-world problems and breaking out of the crypto sandbox.

About Chromia
Modern society runs on data, and every online service you’re using is built upon underlying databases - ranging from your online bank to music streaming and gaming. Chromia is a relational blockchain - a combination of a relational database and a blockchain - making it easy to develop user-friendly decentralized apps for almost any industry, including DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and more.

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