Chromia Testnet Upgrade Complete!

Chromia Testnet Upgrade Complete!

Our monthly update published at the start of the week mentioned that our development team was on the verge of releasing the first major testnet upgrade.

We are pleased to report that all of our network providers have updated to the newest version of Postchain, bringing multi-cluster support, cross-chain communication, and cluster and system-level anchoring online. These updates significantly improve scalability and the number of containers that can be deployed, while also enabling more complex dapps.

You can view the activity of the updated testnet using this block explorer (pardon the appearance, UI improvements are planned). You’ll notice the dropdown list now contains a few system chains pertaining to the anchoring functions!

As part of the upgrade, we have also made some updates to our provider network. NGC Ventures has been onboarded as a system provider, and we have also added Wolfedge as a node provider. We are currently running with five system providers (ChromaWay, Dwellir, Sunube, Snowbridge, NGC) and two node providers (Wolfedge, AM Cloud Sweden). Details are being finalized with two more node providers, who will join the network in due course. Keep an eye out for more spotlights and info.

The next steps include launching the updated staking interface, followed by continued development on FT4 and Precise Configuration Updates. As always, follow Chromia’s official channels to stay up to date.

About Chromia
Modern society runs on data, and every online service you’re using is built upon underlying databases - ranging from your online bank to music streaming and gaming. Chromia is a relational blockchain - a combination of a relational database and a blockchain - making it easy to develop user-friendly decentralized apps for almost any industry, including DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and more.

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