My Neighbor Alice Land Sale Rescheduled to Facilitate Audits and Testing

My Neighbor Alice Land Sale Rescheduled to Facilitate Audits and Testing

In late March, the My Neighbor Alice land sale was announced on our official blog and the My Neighbor Alice Medium account. These articles cited a beginning staking date of Tuesday, April 27, and a land sale date of Wednesday, May 12.

To facilitate the necessary step of auditing and testing the sale contracts, these dates are being rescheduled. Millions of dollars of assets will be handled by the land sale contracts, and the safety of user funds is our highest priority.

The land sale website is now anticipated to go live during the week of May 2 - May 8. The website release will coincide with an official announcement through both My Neighbor Alice and Chromia social networking channels containing all relevant dates and times for the remainder of the event. This announcement will serve as advance notice for users to deposit their $ALICE tokens to the land sale portal and $CHR to the Chromia staking portal, as desired. 14 days of staking will then commence as initially planned, with the land sale immediately following that 14 day period.

We understand that this is not the type of news you wanted, and the teams of My Neighbor Alice and Chromia apologize for this. We promise that you will soon be able to purchase land for yourself and your cute animal inhabitants.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay tuned for the website release and subsequent announcement in early May!